Yamaha RD Engine Development Part 1
Posted on 25th November 2022 at 19:42
How to turn your engine from mild to wild - The Beginning
Every customer that comes to us for tuning gets a tried and tested tuning package to give them great results, but what happens when you need to try new ideas? You cant experiment on customers engines in case it doesnt work! So we have got a fairly stock RD350 YPVS of our own that we can play around with to our hearts content. We can try all our new ideas without any fear of comeback !
A base dyno run on this engine showed a figure of 53hp. The cylinders look lightly ported but the rest is stock on stock ignition with stock carbs
Over the coming weeks and months we will add new components to see if they improve or reduce power and keep you informed every step of the way.

Tagged as: RD350 YPVS 2stroke Engine Tuning
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